fbc Students

FBC STUDENTS is our ministry to youth and their families.  FBC Students exists to help transform them into the likeness of Christ. Will we have fun? Will there be food? Will the music be on point? Absolutely. But rest assured, that isn’t the goal.

FBC Students serves students in grades 7-12 and their families and is dedicated to seeing Christ realized in the lives of students and families.  We would love the opportunity to partner with your student and your family in this journey towards the things of God in our lives. The local church was created by Christ and for Christ and we continue to cling to this purpose here at FBC Searcy.

We have a variety of weekly activities and events designed with both your student and your family in mind. Check out some of the details and our weekly schedule below. Most of our weekly Youth activities take place on the FBC Students Floor (3rd floor of the Children and Youth Building). You can find the youth floor by taking the elevator or the stairs nearest to the church office by the Welcome Center.


Weekly Schedule for Students


Life Groups - 9:15 AM

Worship w/ Family - 10:30 AM



Student Worship - 6:00 PM



Student Worship Leaders

FBC Searcy is serious about our students learning and serving as worship leaders, not only on the Student Ministry Floor, but also in the Worship Center.  As a part of our desire to raise up a generation of worshipers, our youth have opportunities to participate in worship as choir members, instrumentalists, camera operators, running worship presentation computers and assisting with the live stream.  This is in addition to the opportunities given to lead their fellow students in worship on Wednesday evenings.  Our Minister of Music/Worship and our Student Minister can help your teenager discover their role in the worship arts of the church.

Student Life Groups

Each Sunday morning, youth leaders gather with students, open the Word of God, and share discussion with youth about the passage(s) for that day. Our goal is not only to help youth understand God’s Word and draw closer to the Lord, but also to help foster an environment of inclusion and family...a life group! We meet from 9:15-10:30am on the FBC Students floor.  Snacks and drinks are provided.

Student Worship

Each week we gather on the youth floor for a time of worship and teaching from the Bible. Youth gather and fellowship on the front and back end of this service time that spans from 6:00-7:30 PM on Wednesday nights. With a more youth-oriented atmosphere and focus, Student Worship is an impactful combination of fun, fellowship, worship, and discipleship intended to propel youth past the midweek hump and into meaningful, purposeful living. 

Student Fellowships

Fellowship is important at all stages of life.  FBC Students have opportunities to connect at the dinner table and through exciting activities. These events are held regularly throughout the year and meets in a variety of locations. Look for more detailed information about upcoming event dates.

Other Student Events and Activities

Each summer we travel to youth camp for a time of intense discipleship, worship, and revival. In the past, our students have attended Super Summer, Centrifuge, and Camp Siloam. Check back in early 2025 for information about our next Student Camp.

Also known by its abbreviation DNow, Disciple Now is a weekend youth event we host once a year. Students engage in focused times of worship, fellowship, Bible study, small groups, and discipleship led by college students. Sometimes the location is local "host homes" and sometimes it is a "retreat style" event. Whatever the case, DNOW is a great time for youth of all ages.

We know from the passage at the end of Matthew 28 that service and sharing the Good News with others is essential to living out God’s plan for our lives. Youth have a variety of opportunities to serve others throughout the year, whether it’s as a volunteer in a ministry area of the church, through Upward Sports ministry, at the Good Samaritan food bank, or with one of our national or international missions teams. We are always looking for more ways to make Him known and share His love with the world!

Praiseworks is a worship arts camp held each summer at Ouachita Baptist University which was created to help train youth in a variety of ways related to the arts in worship. From sound and lighting, to dance and guitar, youth who attend Praiseworks are taught to use their imaginations and skills to both worship and help lead others in worship to God. Check out the Arkansas Baptist State Convention website for more info!

May of each year presents our church family with a difficult yet cherished time where we celebrate and send off our graduating class of Seniors. Each year we invite senior youth and their families to attend a banquet in their honor. We also celebrate them in our worship service on a Sunday morning together with the whole church.

We love to support our local schools and the youth who participate in them. Every football season, we host tailgate parties and 5th Quarters to share our support with the community. Anyone is welcome to participate! We serve food, play tailgating games, listen to music, and give away door prizes. It’s a fun way to get out and love on our community.