Because FBC Searcy loves College students and young adults, our goal is to give them an opportunity to get
plugged-in to a loving and caring fellowship. Bible study is held every Sunday morning, and breakfast is always
a part of Sunday Life Group time. If you are a college student or if you are simply a young adult making your
mark on this world, and you are looking for a place to fit in, then come and be a part of what God is doing in
our College Ministry at FBC Searcy.
Sunday Morning is a time of fellowship and Bible Study for our college students. They meet on the second floor of the Family Education Building. Beginning around 9:15, our college students eat breakfast together and then have a time of Bible study using a variety of book and video-based studies.
Periodically throughout the year, FBC Searcy treats our College Ministry to food and fellowship. These events will vary in activity and location but are announced during our College Life Group hour.